What is Voile Fabric? Characteristics and Uses of Voile Fabric.

Voile is a soft, sheer fabric, usually made of 100% cotton or cotton blended with linen or polyester. It originates from  French word veil. Which means light weight. It is mostly used in soft furnishing because of Voile fabric Characteristics. In tropical climates, voile is used for window treatments and mosquito nets. When used as curtain material, voile is similar to net curtains.


Voile Fabric Characteristics

  • Plain, tight weave
  • Silky soft finish
  • Light drape
  • No stretch
  • Slightly transparent (lining is optional)
  • Crisp and sometimes wiry
  • Stiff but flexible


Factors Affect Voile Fabric Quality


When you look to buy voile for creating various items, it is important to check for certain features:

  • It is usually accepted that those fabrics that have a thicker feel are better in quality as this indicates that the weight and the number of the threads per inch are higher, and therefore, more durable.
  • Another important thing to check is the stitching of the cloth, it is best if it is tight together, but should allow a little play if stretched.
  • The blend of materials used also plays a part on the quality as cotton and other natural variants are more comfortable than synthetic ones; however, they are less durable.


Uses of Voile Fabric

Here are some ideas you can use for your solid or printed voile:

  • a men’s shirt,
  • a shirtdress,
  • a chemisier,
  • a tunic,
  • a layered skirt,
  • a sundress,
  • a summer scarf,
  • lingerie like a nightgown or a bralette.

How to Use Voile Fabric


  • Voile can shrink significantly when washed or dried at high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to wash and dry the fabric before you start the sewing process to get the correct measurements.


  • Cotton voile is more prone to wrinkling than synthetic ones. However, if you plan on creating summer dresses from polyester voile, it is important to remember that polyester restricts the breathability of the fabric, and will start pilling more faster than cotton.


  • Sewing voile clothes is a little tricky as the fabric is slightly slippery. It is usually a good idea to use pins during the stitching process.


  • Due to its sheer nature, most voile clothing will require some lining work done on it.